Monday, April 7, 2014

Pie or Pi


Pi is an infinite number used in math. It is used for circles because circles go around and around so they are infinite like pi. It is used to compare the diameter and circumference of a circle using a ratio. It is also used for many other math purposes related to using a circle. Pi is a Greek letter. A little part of pi is 3.1415926535. That is only a tiny part of pie compared to infinity. Because the first digits of pi are 3.14 pi day takes place on March 14. People usually eat pie and do pi based things in school.We did some pi based things in English and of course math. In my math class we read a fiction book based on pi and pie. It was funny. We also ate different types of things in the shape of a circle. In my English class we did a  pi scavenger hunt on computers. 




Pi is infinite so it is impossible to know all of the numbers. Although you can memorize a lot of them. My challenge is to try and memorize as much as you can of pi. In the comment write all of the numbers up until you know. Lets see who can memorize the most!

Is The Ocean In The Shell?


Have you ever went to the beach and picked up a large seashell. When people find large seashells they tend to put the seashell to their ear to listen to the "ocean." What they think is that you can hear the ocean from inside the seashell. Is this true? Younger kids may think the ocean is actually in the shell. Another myth is people think it is the sound of your blood pumping. Others think it is the sound of the air flowing through the shell. Scientists proved both of these thoughts wrong. They did some experiments and came up to the belief that the sound comes from the echo of the noise in the air around you. Some people still don't believe that. 

Why I Chose This Topic

I also always like to listen to the ocean sounds in the shells whenever I see one. When I was younger I used to think that some how in a magical way the ocean and the shell were connected by some sort of string. I used that logic till I found out it was not actually the ocean I was hearing. The reason I chose this topic is because of that. I new you didn't actually hear the ocean, so I was wondering what you hear when you put the shell to your ear.


Many people have different theories as to what the noises you hear in a shell are. Do you agree with the scientists or one of the myths? Or do you have your own theory. Whatever you think is true share with me. Write it in the comments!

Here is where I got my info

Do Zebra Stripes Have a Purpose?


When we see a zebra we can obviously see it because of its stripes. The stripes are very vivid and easy for a human eye to catch, but is it the same with different animals? A zebras main predator is a lion. It is known that lions are color blind. They can only see black, white, and shades of gray. If they see a deer with dark brown fur in a plain with light yellow grass, they will see the deer as black and the grass as white so it is easy to spot for them. However if they see a black and white zebra it can blend in with the grass or anything else the are hiding in.

My Opinion 

I think it is better for zebras to have stripes. First of all their number one predator can not see them that much. They won't get attacked as often because the lions won't be able to see them. If they are standing in very high grass the lion will definitely not see them. If they are standing in the open they have a much larger chance of being see. Second of all they look very cool with stripes. Without stripes they would not be as exciting to see. They would some what look like horses. Horses are also pretty but then two animals would look alike and neither would be unique.    


I love all kinds of animals like zebras. Many animals have something different about them that keeps them safe. Your challenge is to research one of your favorite animals and find out what they use or have to keep them safe. If you find anything write it in the comments below! Thanks!

Here is where I got my information  

Are Their Huge Ears For Hearing?


Have you ever seen an elephant? Well if you haven't there is a picture of one on the right hand side. What do you notice? I know the first thing I notice is its huge ears! When I see the huge ears I think elephants have great hearing, which could be true but that's not only what their used for. Elephants are very large so they must get very hot. What do they do with this extra heat you may ask. That's another purpose for their ears. Elephants have a blood vessel in their ears. When there temperature rises higher then it's supposed to, the extra heat comes out of their ears. 

My Opinion

Elephants heat comes out of their ears. Well when humans get too hot they sweat. Instead of heat coming out of our ears we sweat on our bodies. Which do you think is better? Would you rather sweat or have heat come out of your ears. Sweating is a normal thing for humans. Heat coming out of elephants ears is a normal thing for them. So if heat were to come out of my ears it would not feel normal. I would rather have what humans naturally have. 


Elephants are very interesting animals. You can find many facts about them. Your challenge is to research facts about elephants. If you find something cool share it with me. Write it in the comments!

This is where I got my info

Edgar Allan Poe


edgar allan poeEdgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809. He died on October 7, 1849. He was born in Boston Massachusetts. Edgar Allan Poe was inspired by different types of literature and diverse writers. He writes about things that happen in his personal life too. Did you that know that Edgar Allan Poe loved cats. He wrote a couple of different poems or short stories based on cats. Another interesting fact is he was athletic. He was into swimming. He swam about 6 miles in a river. He also loved to hike in the woods.

A Dream Within a Dream

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow --
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand --
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep -- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

              -Edgar Allan Poe

 This poem is saying a lot. I think what Edgar Allan Poe is trying to say is that a lot of times we think of fantasies and things that are probably not going to happen and forget they are just dreams. All the things we think about and wish could happen are just dreams. I like this poem because it's about how everyone has dreams. Not even the most famous people on earth have everything. We all have dreams. To me this poem shows that. I relate to this poem because as I said before everyone has dreams. We all dream to have something we don't have. I think Edgar Allan Poe was not very happy when he wrote this. At the end there are many exclamation marks to emphasize that he is yelling He wanted his dream to come true. 

About The Poem

This poem uses some repetition. For example he says "O God" two times to emphasize that he is yelling. He also rhymes in this poem. It gives the poem rhythm and a beat. With out the rhyming it would not flow as easy as it does with the rhymes.  He uses some personification too. He says "Yet if hope has flown away." He is giving the impression that hope can fly. If this poem had none of these things it would not be as interesting. Also I would not have understood it as much. I would not have known the mood because the poetic techniques help show the mood.



Edgar Allan Poe was a great poet. You should read a poem by him. I have put the link to a poem by him down below. When you are done reading the poem think about what it meant to you. What did you think the authors purpose for writing it was? Write your ideas in the comments!